I can't think of one woman or man who doesn’t have some aspect of their skin that they would like to change? Most of these desired changes can be fixed with proper nutrition and good skin care; however certain issues take a little more care and research.
One of those changes would be Acne. Though doctors state that acne does not have a complete origin, they have stated it is usually caused by hormonal, bacterial and irritating issues. For those who experience it, they know that it is a serious skin issue that has many variations that range from mild to severe.
Mild to moderate acne includes: whiteheads which result from oil and sebum that is blocked in the pores, blackheads which are dead skin cells, bacteria and sebum blocked in the pores, papules which are inflamed, red, tender bumps without a head and pustules that are inflamed with white are yellow heads.
Milia is a form of acne that occurs in white bumps. It usually appears when skin that is normally sloughed off gets trapped in the surface of the skin. It usually occurs in newborns across the upper nose and the upper cheeks. It does however happen to adults as well. When the dead skin cells come off these bumps appear. Sometimes bumps and cysts occur on injured parts of the body or in cases of allergic reactions.
Whiteheads are a result of pore blockage with entrapped sebum (oil), bacteria and dead skin cells that cause a white appearance on the skin’s surface. These types of pimples can actually be popped.
Black heads occur when a pore is only partially blocked. The black color is not caused by dirt. On the contrary, it is developed by the skin’s own pigment reacting with oxygen in the air. Black heads can be removed but of course there is a safe way of doing it.
· Gentle face wash: A gentle face wash will help prepare your skin for benzoyl peroxide. Removing surface oils allows the benzoyl peroxide to penetrate more easily. Washing very gently helps avoid irritation. While scientists and doctors do not know exactly what causes acne, we do know that irritation alone can make it worse.
· Plenty of 2.5% benzoyl peroxide: Benzoyl peroxide oxygenates skin. Acne bacteria cannot live in oxygenated environments. Benzoyl peroxide is also a mild drying and peeling agent which is thought to help keep pores from clogging. On the Regimen you'll be using 2.5% benzoyl peroxide because clinical studies have shown it is just as effective as 5% and 10% but much less irritating. Remember, irritation alone can aggravate acne. I found that using lots of 2.5% benzoyl peroxide is incredibly effective. Why apply so much? Nobody knows for sure why this works so amazingly well but myself and thousands of others have had great success using this method. My theory is that applying more simply allows it to penetrate more deeply into the skin.
· Good moisturizer: Because you'll be using lots of 2.5% benzoyl peroxide, your skin will most likely be dry and a little flaky. Applying a good moisturizer will help keep your skin in balance and allow you to go out into public with non-flaky, normal looking skin.
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